Used ASM BP 2000 #9394333 for sale

ASM BP 2000
ID: 9394333
Placement machine.
ASM BP 2000 is a pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment designed to meet the needs of a variety of industries. The system features high speed and high accuracy components, which are ideal for both general assembly and custom applications. BP 2000's advanced microprocessor control systems ensure precise and reliable automation. The unit includes a fast, efficient pick and place machine for accurately placing components. The integrated vision tool is able to identify components and locate them accurately for placement. The vision asset also ensures the correct placement of components and can detect misplaced parts and re-position them correctly. The model features a high-speed chip shooter for inserting ICs and other components quickly and accurately. It is equipped with a variety of presses for different types of components, from QFPs to BGA packages and various other types of packages. Furthermore, the chip shooter can also easily extend its range with additional heads for different package types. ASM BP 2000 is also equipped with a high-speed soldering equipment that offers quick and precise soldering. It can be controlled to solder a variety of components, including micro-BGA and related packages. The system also has advanced thermal-processing features, allowing for the quick and precise soldering of components with different thermal requirements. BP 2000 also features an integrated cleaning unit, which automatically cleans components prior to placement and soldering. The cleaning machine ensures that any contaminants, including oil and dust, are completely removed from the components, improving the reliability and life of the board assembly. Finally, ASM BP 2000 is designed for easy integration with other equipment and components. It is compatible with most types of existing equipment and can be connected via a range of communications protocols, making it easy to link the tool with other machines and processes.
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