Used YAMAHA YVP-Xg #9161441 for sale

ID: 9161441
Vintage: 2003
Screen printer 2003 vintage.
YAMAHA YVP-Xg PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment is designed to provide high quality, low cost production for the pc board fabrication and assembly industry. It has a full range of features and functions designed to enhance productivity and reduce manufacturing costs. YVP-Xg features a high-speed process control system that provides fast and precise control of the manufacturing process. It also includes a comprehensive database of components that enables quick retrieval of component data. The unit is designed to support multiple manufacturing processes such as surface mount technology, through-hole technology, and mixed component assembly. YAMAHA YVP-Xg has a number of additional features that are designed to improve the efficiency of the pc board assembly process. It includes a robust array of advanced software tools such as a feeder/unloader control program, a work order program, and a recipe management machine. Additionally, the tool includes an advanced job scheduling asset, a powerful production control program, and a data analysis model. YVP-Xg also includes automated inspection and testing capabilities to ensure that each board is made to the required specifications. It has algorithms to detect defects and to automatically rework boards to meet required criteria. Additionally, the equipment can be configured to accept feedback and recommendations from production staff to ensure process optimization. YAMAHA YVP-Xg is powered by a high-quality industrial PC and is capable of monitoring hundreds of machine, process, and production parameters. It incorporates real-time monitoring and alarming systems that enable fast and timely response to fault conditions. Finally, the system includes a comprehensive maintenance management unit to immediately diagnose or repair any process issues, making it the ideal choice for efficient and reliable production.
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