Used CTI-CRYOGENICS 8200 #293646629 for sale

ID: 293646629
Compressors P/N: 8032550G002.
CTI-CRYOGENICS 8200 cryopump offers a reliable and reliable pumping solution for a variety of cryogenic applications, such as space vehicles, semiconductor processing and low temperature physics research. CTI-CRYOGENICS CRYOGENICS 8200 cryopump utilizes a proprietary coldhead, a thermally insulated, cryogenically cooled sample-space, and a high-volume cryogenic compressor to breakthrough vacuum performance, storing up to 2.5x the industry standard for space vacuums. 8200 has a stainless steel vacuum vessel, safety shut-off valve, and control circuitry that are designed for maximum reliability and long-term serviceability. The coldhead of CRYOGENICS 8200 is made of an advanced insulator technology material, designed to retain cryogenic temperatures for reliable vacuum pumping. Additionally, the high-pressure cryogenic compressor has an ultra-low vibration design to minimize disturbance due to vibrations or turbulence. To optimize pumps's performance, CTI-CRYOGENICS 8200 includes a built-in control software that allows the user to customize their setup and control the pumps's performance in accordance with their specific cryogenic application. This control software can be set to various preset functions, such as monitoring pump speed and pressures, creating delay cycles, and displaying error codes in real-time. CTI-CRYOGENICS CRYOGENICS 8200 is also easy to install and use due to its low maintenance requirements. Its hermetic-style design allows users to easily isolate their application from external heat sources. Additionally, the cryogenic compressor utilizes a unique non-congealing fluid, which not only eliminates troublesome maintenance needs but also eliminates freeze-up problems within the cryopump itself. 8200 cryopump is a reliable, dependable and easy to use solution for the most challenging cryogenic applications. Its coldhead insulator ensures long-term cryogenic storage for maximum vacuum performance, while its control software and hermetic design allow users to customize their setup and control pump performance to their exact application requirements.
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