Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON TE 480 #9098935 for sale

ID: 9098935
Wafer Size: 6
Vintage: 1989
Oxide etcher, 6" Chamber 1989 vintage.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON TE 480 is an etch/ashers that offers high-performance acid and plasma etching of surfaces. This etcher can process both single-sided and double-sided substrates in the same process. The chamber is coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which prevents particles from sticking to the parts being etched. The etcher also comes equipped with automated built-in safety features, including the ability to shut down the process if it detects an overheating etchant. The etcher has an automatic wafer handling equipment that monitors the chamber and helps to ensure accurate loading and unloading of wafers. It also has an ionized gas (IG) etching system that uses high-density ionized gas (IG) to rapidly etch substrates without leaving burrs. The IG etching method is ideal for etching precise and intricate patterns on devices. The IG etching unit also increases etching speed and reduces the time required to etch each device. TEL TE 480 etcher features a large chamber (4.2" X 4.5" X 10") with a capacity of 60 wafers in 300mm diameters. It also features a high-power RF generator with a frequency range of 100 - 600 kHz and a multi-frequency power control machine that enables efficient power output to the substrate during etching. The etcher is also equipped with an isolated RF power tool and a maximum etching power of 4 kW. The computer-controlled asset can be programmed to etch multiple wafers simultaneously, further increasing the etching speed. The etcher has various systems to monitor the process, including a real-time model pressure alarm that warns the user when the pressure exceeds the set value, and a equipment chamber leakage alarm which detects abnormal gas leakages. It also has a chamber temperature control system that keeps the chamber temperature constant within the set range. The etcher is designed to be easy to operate and maintain with its user-friendly interface. In addition to the automatic safety features, the etcher also comes with traceability control procedures to ensure high-quality etching. This unit records wafer processing history, such as the etching recipe used and the number of samples etched. This machine also helps reduce fault occurrences due to material or equipment failures and enables real-time monitoring and re-processing of problem substrates. Overall, TOKYO ELECTRON TE 480 etcher is a reliable, high-performance, and user-friendly etcher that is ideal for etching intricate patterns on various substrates. Its wide array of safety features, traceability control procedures, and automated wafer handling tool enable the user to etch with accuracy and speed while using minimal resources.
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