Used ACCRETECH / TSK AWD-300TX #9148250 for sale

ID: 9148250
Vintage: 2007
Dicing saw 2007 vintage.
ACCRETECH / TSK AWD-300TX is a scribing/dicing equipment used for precision cutting of materials for the production of advanced electronic components such as sensors, capacitors, and transistors. The machine is equipped with a high-intensity pulsed Ytterbium-Doped laser, which is capable of producing very fine laser line scribes in a range of materials, from thin-film silicon and sapphire substrates to thick ceramics, metals, and plastics. The system can produce two types of laser scribes: a "pen" scribe and a "zig-zag" scribe. The pen scribe is designed to effectively cut through material with minimal damage to the material's surface and delivers a line width that permits efficient scribe-punching of thin film wafers. On the other hand, the zig-zag scribe offers a higher material removal rate and is used for high-speed cutting of thick film wafers. TSK AWD-300TX is capable of producing single and multi-lane scribes with a range of widths from 1µm to 100µm, and is equipped with an independent servo-motor unit for controlling each axis of movement, as well as a cutting head controller that allows for precise and repeatable motion along all axes. The machine comes equipped with a vision tool that can detect defects in substrates, as well as a cutting head head with integrated non-contact sensing capability for accurate alignment and positioning of the laser beam on the material surface. The machine is also configured with a sophisticated autofocusing asset, which enables the cutting head to adjust its position dynamically to compensate for changes in material thickness. The perforated nozzle positioned within the cutting head facilitates the rapid cooling of the laser line scribing process. The model is also equipped with a specialized user interface, and interfaces for integration with other systems. ACCRETECH A-WD-300TX operates at a relatively low noise level and requires minimal maintenance, in accordance with its Japanese environmental standards. In terms of safety, ACCRETECH AWD-300TX incorporates a series of protective measures, including a cooling equipment that prevents overheating of the laser source, and anti-reflection mirrors to ensure that laser light is never emitted directly to personnel. It also features a safety cover to prevent burning of foreign objects and an emergency stop button for immediate termination of the machine's operation. Overall, AWD-300TX is a highly versatile system that offers precise laser scribing for an extensive range of materials, and a number of advanced features for automated operation and safety.
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