Used YSI 2700D #9074044 for sale

YSI 2700D
ID: 9074044
Biochemistry analyzer Aspirated sample volume: User selects 5 to 65 microliters Analysis time: 60 Seconds Precision: <2% cv, n=10 Turntable 2710 included.
YSI 2700D is a laboratory instrument and accessory that is designed to perform a variety of laboratory analyses. The versatile and compact nature of YSI 2700-D allows it to be used in a wide array of laboratory settings. 2700D is equipped with a power supply, a temperature controller, and a laboratory display. The power supply provides 2700-D with power to enable it to carry out the necessary analyses. The temperature controller enables the user to adjust the temperature of the system as needed. The laboratory display provides the user with instant feedback on the readings from YSI 2700D, making it easier to make adjustments on the fly. YSI 2700-D can be used to measure pH, oxygen, conductivity, and dissolved solids in a sample. It can also be used to measure the soluble salts, nutrients, and other dissolved constituents in water samples. The instrument is equipped with a built-in microprocessor, which can be used to store and analyze data. By connecting 2700D to a computer, the user can access the stored data and analyze it in more detail. 2700-D is configured with a wide range of available probes and other accessories. These accessories can be used to measure and analyze a variety of properties in the sample, such as temperature, pressure, and turbidity. The probes can also be used to monitor chemical processes that are occurring in the sample, such as oxidation-reduction. YSI 2700D is also equipped with a number of safety features. It is programmed with safety algorithms to ensure the instrument does not exceed the predetermined parameters. It also has a number of diagnostic features that can help diagnose any issues that may be experienced during operation. Overall, YSI 2700-D is an invaluable tool that can be used to quickly and accurately analyze a variety of laboratory samples. Its versatility and ease of use makes it a great choice for any laboratory, and its diagnostic and safety features make it a reliable instrument. With 2700D, it is now possible to easily conduct complex laboratory analyses with minimal effort.
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