Used ALLIED HIGH TECH Equipment for sale

Allied High Tech is a reputable manufacturer specializing in the development and production of cutting-edge electronic test equipment. With a strong dedication to innovation and quality, they have consistently supplied the industry with top-of-the-line products and solutions to meet the ever-evolving demands of the market. One of their flagship products is the series of precision saws, which are designed to deliver accurate and clean cuts on a wide variety of materials. These versatile saws offer programmable parameters, ensuring ease of use and excellent repeatability in laboratory and production environments. In addition to precision saws, Allied High Tech manufactures electrochemical and electro polish systems used for metallographic sample preparation. These systems are trusted by professionals in metallurgy laboratories, research institutions, aerospace corporations, and many other industries. By utilizing state-of-the-art technology, these systems deliver fast and uniform results, ensuring the highest quality sample preparation for microscopic analysis. Furthermore, the company offers a comprehensive range of hardness testers, including micro hardness testers, micro Vickers testers, and micro Durometers. These testers provide accurate and reliable measurements of hardness properties, critical for material characterization and component evaluation. Allied High Tech also manufactures a variety of mounting press systems, offering precise control over mounting parameters for optimal sample preparation. These systems ensure reliable encapsulation of samples in hot or cold compression mounting materials. Moreover, the company provides an extensive line of grinding and polishing machines, abrasive discs, polishing cloths, and other consumables for straightening, rough grinding, and final polishing of materials. These products are widely used in metallography, material science, and failure analysis applications, offering high performance and efficiency. With a commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology and outstanding customer service, Allied High Tech continues to be a trusted name in the field of electronic test equipment, catering to the diverse needs of customers worldwide.

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