AURORA SCIENTIFIC, a subsidiary of CAMBRIDGE TECHNOLOGY, has enticed the scientific research community for several decades with its cutting-edge laboratory equipment and accessories. With a history reminiscent of a prodigious scion, AURORA SCIENTIFIC has consistently exemplified its commitment to excellence and innovation. The saga of AURORA SCIENTIFIC dates back to the mid-20th century when it emerged as a formidable player in the field of scientific instrumentation. Deemed as pioneers in the industry, CAMBRIDGE TECHNOLOGY acquired AURORA SCIENTIFIC in the late 1990s, thereby augmenting its portfolio of advanced laboratory solutions. At the core of AURORA SCIENTIFIC's repertoire lies its range of top-notch lab equipment that caters to a myriad of research requirements. Their technological marvels seamlessly combine the essential elements of precision, reliability, and ease of use. Laboratories worldwide swear by the accuracy and dependability of AURORA SCIENTIFIC's offerings, guaranteeing groundbreaking discoveries and robust scientific conclusions. The innovative products presented by AURORA SCIENTIFIC encompass a vast array of scientific branches. From state-of-the-art neuromuscular physiology analyzers and muscle testing systems to volumetric pumps and force transducers, they spare no effort in equipping scientists with the most advanced devices and tools. Their intense focus on refined crafting and efficiency-oriented engineering sets AURORA SCIENTIFIC apart from its counterparts. In addition to the stellar lineup of laboratory equipment, AURORA SCIENTIFIC also prides itself on delivering top-quality accessories and consumables. Their accessories range is meticulously curated to augment the functionality and versatility of the provided laboratory equipment, ensuring an unmatched research experience. With its unwavering commitment to revolutionize the scientific instrumentation industry, AURORA SCIENTIFIC continues to lead the way by setting new benchmarks for exemplary lab equipment and accessories. Researchers can rely on their genius creations to propel scientific discoveries to unprecedented heights, cementing AURORA SCIENTIFIC's position as a trailblazer in the field.

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