Used ASM AB 339 00 #168063 for sale

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AB 339 00
ID: 168063
Fully automatic gold wire bonder machine Bonding method: Thermosonic Transducer frequency: 138 kHz. Bond head system: Voice coil motor with 2.5 µm resolution X-Y Table system: AC Servo motor with 0.5 µm resolution Indexer system: Fully programmable servo motor drive Wire size capability: 0.8-2.0 mil Fine pitch capability: 45 µm pitch @0.8 mil wire Maximum wire length: 8 mm Bonding area: 52mm. X 52mm Bond placement accuracy: 4µm. @ 3 sigma Vision system: High Speed Pattern Recognition (PR) PR accuracy: +/-0.37 µm Voltage: 220VAC Frequency: 50/60 Hz Power consumption: 1500 W Compressed air: 40LPM max. @3-5bar.
ASM AB 339 00 is a bonder designed for a variety of uses, ranging from cell phone and memory card assembly to circuit board assembly. It features a simple operation and is capable of easily producing high yields of high quality, dependable bond yields. The machine is composed of a 10,000 needle ultrasonic welding head, a dual lane conveyor system and a loading station, as well as a platens for bonding substrates and components. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive menu allow it to quickly attach components to a single lane. Using AB 339 00 is a straightforward process due to its user-friendly operation and simple setup. This machine is capable of accurately positioning components and substrates while simultaneously welding them together, making sure each assembly is uniform and structurally sound. The welding heads are quickly adjustable to accommodate any number of components and substrates, allowing for a wide range of applications. ASM AB 339 00 consists of two integrated robots, which control the machines' simultaneous welding and loading processes. The two robots are equipped with servo-controlled assemblies, which allow for precise and accurate control at all times. Furthermore, the machine is designed to provide optimal efficiency and accuracy, due to its design and use of the latest ultrasonic welding technology. The machine can be equipped with varied needle options, which enable it to process a diverse range of materials. The various needle types enable engineers to recruit the right needle for optimal bond strength and quality. The machine can even be customised to augment its processing capabilities, making it suitable for a wide range of products. When AB 339 00 is operated, it is advised to monitor the production cycle continuously. This is to ensure that no components or materials are left over the cycle, as this can lead to scrap materials or teardowns. Additionally, it is important to ensure the temperature and power settings are optimal for the desired application in order to maximize efficiency, accuracy and reliability. In conclusion, ASM AB 339 00 is a modern bonder, designed to easily and accurately process and assemble a variety of materials and components. Its simple operation and flexibility make it a reliable and efficient choice for a range of applications. The robust design ensures the machine's accuracy and longevity, making the machine an investment that will pay off in the long term.
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