Used ASM Eagle Aero Gocu #9394171 for sale

Eagle Aero Gocu
ID: 9394171
Wire bonders 2001-2017 vintage.
ASM Eagle Aero Gocu is a state-of-the-art bonder designed to supply highly efficient and reliable adhesive bonding for numerous industrial applications. The Gocu bonder is powered by an advanced ASM Eagle Control package that allows for precise temperature monitoring and precisely timed cycles. This is achieved through the use of variable frequency drives, embedded in the equipment, which can be precisely monitored. This precise temperature monitoring ensures even and consistent adhesion. The Gocu bonder is capable of bonding a range of materials including rubber, plastic, paper and metal. The Gocu is capable of taking both thin-film adhesives and one-coat systems. The bonder is also highly customizable, allowing flexibility to fit various substrates and applications. With a range of nozzle options, the customer can choose the best possible solution for their bonding project. The Gocu also offers a number of features which can help increase thermal stability and decrease air disturbance within the controlled area. The Gocu also contains an automated self-cleaning system which is designed to remove excess adhesive residue. Additionally, this automated unit can perform self-diagnostics to help identify potential issues before they become problematic. This helps to reduce downtime and increase efficiency. The Gocu is a durable yet user-friendly device, designed for ease-of-use. The operating machine is easy to understand with intuitive touchscreen controls. It is also compatible with multiple languages, providing readily available support for international customers. The Gocu bonder is suitable for continuous operation and is built to withstand forceful tensions that may occur during different processes. Furthermore, its heavy-duty construction allows for use in a wide range of different environments. Overall, Eagle Aero Gocu bonder is a highly advanced device, spanned across many industries. With its superior bonder control tool, flexible material choices and advanced features, the Gocu is an ideal bonding solution for industrial production.
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