Used ASM Eagle Aero #9378902 for sale

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Eagle Aero
ID: 9378902
Vintage: 2017
Wire bonder 2017 vintage.
ASM Eagle Aero is a fully automated bonder that offers unparalleled precision for microelectronic bonding and packaging needs. Eagle Aero bonder is designed with advanced technologies to meet the demanding requirements of customers' processes in electronics packaging. It features a state-of-the-art servo control equipment, intuitive operator interface, vision-based bond head spacer, advanced thermal control system, and an ergonomic beam delivery unit for precision handling and accuracy. ASM Eagle Aero is designed to perform tasks in both manual and automated operations. In manual mode, the bonder features a joystick-style bond head for precise control of individual bonds as well as a pressure spark button for activating thermal and pressure settings. In automated mode, the bonder can sequence through individual steps in a programmed set of bonds, allowing for greater efficiency and accuracy. Eagle Aero features an advanced vision-based bond head spacer for high accuracy and repeatability. This is coupled with its precise thermal control machine, which allows it to rapidly heat and cool the microelectronic bonding and packaging components for accurate, repeatable bonding. The spacer measures the component thickness and adjusts the gap between the bond head and the component for optimal performance. ASM Eagle Aero also boasts an ergonomic beam delivery tool that ensures smooth and consistent communication between the bond head and the bond facility. This asset includes an integrated offline mode that allows the user to set up the bond environment, make adjustments, and remove components without entering the production environment. It also features a buffer storage model for easy access to components when they're needed. To increase productivity, Eagle Aero can be customized with a range of tools to expand its capabilities. These tools include a bond inspection station, a vacuum tool changer, and a variety of chucks, probes, and other tools for fine-tuning the process. ASM Eagle Aero also features a fast loading and unloading equipment, enabling quick transfers between different facilities. Eagle Aero bonder offers reliable, dependable performance at an excellent value. This automated bonder is designed with versatile features and intuitive technology to make it perfect for both manual and automated microelectronic bonding and packaging applications.
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