Used K&S Maxum Plus #9384650 for sale

Maxum Plus
ID: 9384650
Vintage: 2005
Wire bonder 2005 vintage.
K&S Maxum Plus is a high performance bonder designed to provide a secure and reliable bond between a variety of materials. The equipment makes secure and fast bonds between most substrates, including metals, plastics, rubber and glass. Designed for industrial and commercial use, Maxum Plus offers proven performance and quality. The fully integrated unit can bond most materials together quickly and easily, ensuring a secure and reliable bond between materials. K&S Maxum Plus uses a heated microphone to ensure a reliable bond. The system is designed for easy setup and use, requiring no pre-bonding treatments. The embedded parameters of the bonding process can be pre-programmed, ensuring consistent and reliable results every time. Maxum Plus has a wide temperature range that can accommodate all bonding temperature needs. The digital control unit can be set to temperatures of 300°C, allowing users to hot bond difficult substrates while maintaining precision. The temperature can be regulated to an accuracy of ±2°C to ensure reliability and durability. K&S Maxum Plus is powered by an adjustable electrical power supply, allowing users to select a power setting appropriate to their materials and applications. Users can select between single phase and three phase power supply options, depending on their requirements. In addition to this, the machine is fitted with an interlock tool. The integrated interlock asset will shut the model down if a problem arises, ensuring user safety. Maxum Plus is an advanced and reliable bonder that can make swift, secure and reliable bonds between most materials. The adjustable power supply and precise digital control equipment ensure precision results, providing long lasting and durable bonds.
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