Used HERBERT ARNOLD 72/855 #293587408 for sale
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HERBERT ARNOLD 72/855 is a versatile crystal growing, sawing & slicing equipment designed for the research laboratory. It is suitable for growing, sawing & slicing a wide range of materials such as metallic, non-metallic, lattice-matched and non-lattice-matched single crystals, as well as wide band gap semiconductor materials. The system comprises a high-temperature furnace and a computer-controlled polishing, sawing & slicing station for preparing specimens for physical, electrical & optical measurements. An advanced, high-temperature furnace enables the user to grow tight and extremely uniform cells with low thermal gradients, by crystallization of multiple elements in different stages and phases. The computer-controlled, polishing, sawing & slicing station allows the user to prepare specimens of high quality in various forms, such as cylinders, bars, or substrates. Additionally, specimens can be sawed into smaller pieces that can be used for research or testing purposes. HERBERT ARNOLD 72/855 is an automated unit with a state-of-the-art touch-screen interface which allows the user to save recipes and settings for rapid set-up. It comes with a choice of horizontal and vertical crystal-growing configurations and functions such as over-temperature protection, a monitoring machine for power supply, variable speed fans, and internal product temperature measurement. The crystal growing process begins with ampoules, graphite blocks, or crucibles, which are filled with the material to be crystallized. The temperature of the furnace is then raised, allowing the crystallization of the material to take place. The formed crystals can then be prepared by the polishing and slicing station, which moves the specimens in a 25- to 50- degree wedging angle. This is done in order to produce a flat surface, enabling the scientists to measure the properties of the material in question. HERBERT ARNOLD 72/855 is a powerful and reliable tool that is used by researchers and manufacturers around the world. It is capable of producing high-quality crystals of multiple materials and is extremely versatile in its uses. The asset's advanced features, automated controls, and touch-screen interface make it the ideal tool for crystal growing, sawing & slicing applications.
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