Used ASM AD 830UR #9250583 for sale

AD 830UR
ID: 9250583
Vintage: 2010
Die bonders 2010 vintage.
ASM AD 830UR Die Attacher is an automated semi-rotary machine for attaching dies to insulated wires. It is used for both the axial and radial attachment of dies to insulated wires. The machine is designed for the configuration of a hot bar spin attachment process. It is equipped with a dial head with LED display, a motorized Hot Bar spin, an XYZ-positioning equipment, and a die bonder with optical zoom and a microscope. ASM AD830UR Die Attacher has a die feeding mechanism for pre-feeds and feedshots that can be used to accurately position dies of various sizes and configurations. It also has an integral camera system with an optical zoom that uses automated vision alignment to ensure precise die alignment. The motorized hot bar spin facilitates spin welding and features a temperature-controlled heating unit to control die-to-wire bonding temperature and longevity. A built-in XYZ-movement machine is used for fine positioning of the die bonder to maintain repeatable accuracy of spin-welded connections. AD 830UR Die Attacher features an intuitive user-friendly software tool for process setup and control. It has the ability to store numerous programmable data points for different configurations of die and wire sizes. The machine is equipped with an option to meet any requirements for die bond strength and measurement. Furthermore, it has a data logging interface for virtually unlimited traceability. AD830UR Die Attacher is highly reliable and efficient. It is factory-tested to provide a high-quality manufactured product and has an independent safety asset to ensure model safety. It runs on a low-noise motor for efficient operation and has a modular design to accommodate different types of applications. The die attachment process is designed to ensure reliability and accuracy. ASM AD 830UR Die Attacher is great for attaching dies to insulated wires for various applications.​
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