Used ASM AD 896 #9351483 for sale

ASM AD 896
AD 896
ID: 9351483
Die bonder.
ASM AD 896 is a die attacher designed for automated die-to-lead mounting applications. It is built with a user friendly interface with a self-explanatory graphical display and tactile keys, ASM AD896 Die Attacher features adjustable force, frequency and distance settings and accurate dispense control, enabling a reliable and repeatable performance with minimum wastage. It can be used in production facilities and lean manufacturing processes. AD 896 has a sturdy construction with multiple safety features which protect users from any harm and product waste. It features electromagnetic brakes and active clamp sensors that ensure the stability of the die-receiver between dispense cycles. It also features a 'Check Dispense' equipment, which allows for the testing of the dispense process by submersion of the part before and after dispensing. AD896 has a dual feeder design and offers a choice of either robot loading/unloading where the robot is directly feeding the parts and programming, or manual loading by the operator to adapt to different production scenarios. This die attacher is outfitted with a paste and powder dispensing module and is equipped for the die attaching process in a rotary or flipping mode. This provides maximum versatility for customers, who can use the same solution for different types of applications. The system is equipped with Lithium Cell batteries that, provide an automatic charge and protect the unit from any breaks. ASM AD 896 is also compatible with a wide range of mounter controls, add-on peripherals, and interfaces that allow the machine to integrate into virtually any production line environment. Additionally, ASM AD896 includes a menu of diagnostic features that enable the technician to identify mechanical and process issues quickly. Overall, AD 896 die attacher is a reliable and effective solution for automated die-to-lead mounting applications that provides superior performance with minimal wastage. Built to last, the tool has a range of safety features, versatile uses and easy integration into existing production lines. Additionally, the intuitive graphical interface and an impressive range of diagnostic features greatly simplify the troubleshooting and maintenance process.
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