Used ASM Furnace #195512 for sale
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ID: 195512
Wafer Size: 5"
PECVD furnace with Seiko robot, 5"
Wafer type: single flat
CE marked
Boat transporter
Kawasaki robot boat loader
ASM RF gen LDM plasma
ALCATEL ADS 301 pump
415 VAC, 3 Phase, 200 A
Software: ASM SATC II
1986 vintage.
An ASM Furnace is a diffusion Furnace designed to meet the evolving needs of silicon device fabrication processes. Its low-temperature uniformity and high-precision temperature control provides consistent heating processes and reliable operation in a wide range of applications. This make it ideal for the fabrication of microelectronic devices such as MEMS devices, integrated circuits, and thin-film transistors. ASM Furnace features an advanced air or hydrogen-purged atmosphere design. This allows Furnace to operate between 500°C - 1200°C in an atmosphere containing no oxygen or sulfur dioxide. This allows for a low-temperature uniform distribution of heat throughout ASM Furnace and therefore highly precise temperature control. Furnace is also equipped with advanced safety features, such as process sensors, thermal isolation, and a thermal shield to protect the components inside from the high-temperature environment. ASM loadlock allows uniform heating of the substrate while minimizing contamination. The loadlock also prevents outgassing during ASM Furnace operations by removing gases and particles from the atmosphere prior to the substrate entering Furnace. This means the substrate is prepared for the deposition process prior to entering the chamber. ASM diffusion ASM Furnace also includes high performance stepping motors for temperature control. The horizontal design integrated with the stepping motor allows for precise control of the deposition process. This also enables precise heating of the substrate to temperatures up to 1200°C without thermal runaway. For increased data accuracy, Furnace features a sensitive thermal imaging equipment. This system records temperature readings and allows ASM Furnace to activate the temperature control systems when required. The advanced software also provides the user with detailed analysis of the thermal stability of the substrate during the diffusion process. Furnace is also designed with a heating element that consists of a molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) heater-shield assembly. The heater-shield protects the components from the greater temperatures and also prevents thermal runaway. Furthermore, ASM Furnace is also equipped with cooling fans and a filter to keep the unit cool and free from dust accumulation. ASM diffusion Furnace is provided with a wide range of accessories for optimal operation. These accessories include a gas control unit, loadlock shutters, inert gas supply systems, a sample support machine, and an exhaust tool. The gas control unit enables users to control the type of gases used in the diffusion process and the concentrations of gases in the atmosphere. The sample support asset allows for exact placement of the substrate within the chamber for optimum results.
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