Used ASM MIR 3000 #9262042 for sale

ASM MIR 3000
ID: 9262042
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2013
CVD Furnace, 12" 2013 vintage.
ASM MIR 3000 is a highly advanced diffusion furnace and accessory equipment designed to meet commercial, research, and industrial applications. It offers a comprehensive suite of features for optimizing process efficiency and achieving consistent temperature uniformity. With its patent-pending heating and cooling technology, MIR 3000 delivers superior performance for soldering and other diffusion processes that require precise temperature control. ASM MIR 3000 comes with a range of accessories to complement the furnace system. These include pulse-valve cleaning/purging systems, furnace liners, post-heating quenching systems, inert gas systems, inert gas tanks, and more. All accessories are designed to provide maximum process control, consistent temperature stability, and long-term component safety. For enhanced process efficiency, MIR 3000 unit features a large variety of advanced mechanisms and parameters. These include brushless DC fan motors that help provide consistent heating and cooling, an AutoFlow PID controller to regulate process temperatures, and a door-mounted thermocouple to provide precision temperature feedback in real-time. Additionally, the machine is equipped with a safety over-temperature tool that monitors the process and adjusts the flow of the inert gas accordingly, automatically shuttering the asset when needed. ASM MIR 3000's compact design also helps ensure cost-efficiency and energy savings. Its sealed chamber features an eleven-zone insulation model, ensuring uniform temperature and efficient energy use. Additionally, the equipment is designed with a high-efficiency pneumatic convection heating system to reduce energy costs and provide even greater process efficiency. Overall, MIR 3000 diffusion furnace and accessory unit delivers unparalleled efficiency and precision. Its advanced features, mechanisms, and parameters all work together to provide consistent temperature uniformity, controllable process flow, and maximum cost efficiency. Thus, the machine not only meets, but exceeds, all of the industry's most exacting standards.
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