Used AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E4418B #9137791 for sale

ID: 9137791
Power meter.
AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E4418B is a vector network analyzer (VNA) designed for frequency- and time-domain measurements on a wide range of components and devices. This highly-accurate, fully-calibrated VNA has high dynamic range, low noise floors, and wide bandwidth. HP E4418B also has a variety of measurement functions, including two- and four-port calibrated S-parameter measurements, dual-source tone source and vector voltmeter (VTVM) measurements, temperature compensated VSWR (VSWRtc) measurements, and frequency response measurements. AGILENT E4418B is a multi-purpose, two-port vector network analyzer with a maximum frequency of 6 GHz. It features a frequency domain up to 6 GHz, dynamic range >45 dB up to 40 MHz, and an absolute frequency accuracy of +/- 10 ppm from 1 to 6 GHz. This vector network analyzer provides a wide measuring range up to +/- 75 dB from 1 to 10 dB steps and dynamic range >80 dB up to 6 GHz. All measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as the instrument is factory-calibrated and shipped with a detailed error report. E4418B provides a variety of time-domain and frequency-domain measurements suitable for on-wafer or component testing. At the time-domain, HEWLETT-PACKARD E4418B allows the measurement of time-domain transmission (TDR/TDT) with an impressive resolution of 50 picoseconds and a dynamic range of 50 dB. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) features a dynamic range of up to 80 dB as well as a pulse risetime of 4ns. Additionally, this VNA features Pulse Burden Measurement (PBM) for the characterization of pulse loadings with a high degree of accuracy. At the frequency-domain, KEYSIGHT E4418B offers greater flexibility in terms of measurements. It features a wide range of calibration strategies and measurements to trace out instrument responses in passive and lossy devices. Various types of vector network analyzer measurements are available such as S-parameters, gain/phase, and VSWR. It supports multiple source and multiple mixer measurements for high-precision, two-tone vector signal analysis, with higher accuracy in measuring even multi-transistor components. The ease of use, no licensing requirement, and peace of mind of self-calibration make AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E4418B ideal for every engineer who is looking to analyze the performance and behavior of an electronic device. Overall, HP E4418B is a versatile and affordable solution for vector network testing, providing high-accuracy testing of complex components with a single-instrument approach.
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