Used KEITHLEY 6514 #9092345 for sale

ID: 9092345
Electrometer, 5.5-digit Standard Configuration (2) Analog outputs: 2V, Preamp <1fA noise >200TΩ input impedance on voltage measurements Charge measurements from 10fC to 20µC High speed: up to 1200 readings/second Interfaces readily with switches, computers, and component handlers Cancels voltage and current offsets easily Built-in IEEE-488, RS-232, and digital I/O interfaces.
KEITHLEY 6514 electrometer is an ultra low current measurement instrument specifically designed to measure very low current voltages and electrical signals. With an input range of 1fA to 10V, and a resolution of 0.1nV, 6514 can accurately measure extremely small signals down to the single femtoamp range. It also offers a unique combination of speed, accuracy and precision in testing, making it one of the most accurate and sensitive instruments in its class. KEITHLEY 6514 includes several features such as an ultra-low noise preamplifier and an advanced filter system, which are designed to reduce noise and broadcast interference. In addition, the instrument features a built-in scan function for fast and accurate current measurements, and is also equipped with an analog-to-digital converter for digital data acquisition. 6514 also features a built-in isolated bridge circuit for fast and accurate measurements of voltage and resistance signals. Moreover, the instrument provides automatic range switching and a wide voltage range from 1fA to 10V, making it ideal for use in a variety of applications. In addition, KEITHLEY 6514 has a fast sweep mode and special sampling techniques, allowing users to capture and analyze low frequency AC signals quickly and accurately. It also includes a single-shot triggering capability, which allows users to acquire single samples in a single trigger pulse. Finally, 6514 comes with a built-in smart chopper for accurate switching of large signals and providing fast settling times for current measurements. KEITHLEY 6514 is designed for manual operation and is compatible with a wide variety of third-party software packages for data analysis, making it an ideal choice for automated test and measurement applications.
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