Used LECO CS-200 #293607225 for sale
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LECO CS-200 is a robust, easy-to-use, yet high-end chromatographic spectrometer designed to accommodate complex tasks with its range of features. LECO CS200 features three sensitive detectors, including photodiode/array/ion mobility, to cover a large range of detectable compounds. CS-200 also includes a temperature-controlled sample compartment with an automatically controlled inlet and a fully automated column changing system. CS200 features an intuitive user interface and operates quickly, with selectable scan speeds from 200 to 800 scan/s. Transfer of data from the instrument to your computer is fast and simple using USB connectivity. LECO CS-200 is compatible with LECO FP Data Converter software for further processing and analysis of your data. LECO CS200 chromatograph uses a stationary phase on which components of the test sample are separated. After separation, each individual component will be detected as a peak, allowing for identification of the components that make up the sample. This can be done using either a single, specific wavelength of light (photodiode) or by using a combination of more than one wavelength of light (array detector). The liquid sample is injected into CS-200 chromatograph through an automatic injection port. Onboard intelligent automation can be used to maintain consistent analysis time and reducing wait time significantly. An additional advantage of CS200 is its ability to analyze solid samples using its built-in sublimation technique. The sampler of LECO CS-200 is capable of samples of up to 500 mg or 10 ml, depending on the analysis protocol. Specialized detectors can also detect unique compounds, such as volatile organic compounds or ionizable molecules. This significantly enhances the capability of LECO CS200 for accurate, precise analysis of a wide range of compounds. The instrument offers unparalleled flexibility and control over the data sensing and spectral scanning. CS-200 instrument offers great value for its size and cost. It is designed for efficient, cost-effective, accurate, and reliable performance. With its combination of sensitivity and versatility, CS200 is designed to meet the needs of chemists and researchers in many areas. It is also perfect for practical laboratory applications where reliable data is needed.
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