Used LECROY DA1855A #9104899 for sale

ID: 9104899
Differential Amplifier Full control from oscilloscope through ProBus interface DC to 100 MHz bandwidth Outstanding 100,000: 1 Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) Gain of X1 or X10 Industry-leading overdrive recovery Low noise Selectable BW limiting Two gain control modes when connected to a LeCroy oscilloscope Built-in Precision Voltage Generator (PVG) Comparator and true differential offset modes.
LECROY DA1855A is a high frequency arbitrary waveform generator designed and manufactured by LECROY. It is a versatile test and measurement instrument used to generate electrical signals with extremely precise frequency, amplitude, and waveform parameters. DA1855A is specifically designed to produce waveforms ranging from 0.03 Hz to 1.8 GHz while maintaining stable accuracy and repeatability. LECROY DA1855A is a digital signal generator with a touch-screen LCD display and an intuitive user interface. The unit has two analog and two digital inputs allowing for maximum flexibility in creating complex waveforms. It is also equipped with built-in signal editing software and a variety of system synchronization and automation options. As a result, the instrument is well suited for a wide range of applications ranging from radar and communication systems to automotive electronics testing and biomedical research. DA1855A is capable of generating a wide variety of waveforms, including sinusoidal, square, triangular, and trapezoidal waveforms. These waveforms may be configured for frequency, amplitude, offset, pulse width modulation (PWM), and duty cycle. The user has the ability to customize the waveform to meet their specific application requirements. In addition to its waveform generation capability, LECROY DA1855A includes a comprehensive set of operational features. These features include sequencing of waveforms, arb selections of multiple waveforms and sequence parameters, and modulation circuitry. The instrument also offers high-accuracy, low-noise signal generation at up to 1.8 GHz, along with 50 Ω termination impedance for improved signal integrity. DA1855A is a powerful and advanced test instrument that provides reliable performance in a variety of environments. The instrument has a range of user-friendly features that make it particularly well suited for modern testing needs. It is an ideal choice for those looking to generate precise waveforms with reliable stability and accuracy.
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