Used LECROY LC564A #9170289 for sale

ID: 9170289
Digital oscilloscope 4 CHL Power on.
LECROY LC564A is an advanced electronic test and measurement equipment designed to provide a wide variety of readings and measurements for digital, analog, and mixed-signal test needs. This comprehensive test system is highly configurable for automated test and measurements, saving time and improving product quality. LC564A is equipped with a comprehensive set of analog and digital measurement tools, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, arbitrary waveform generators, pulse generators, and logic analyzers. The standard version of LECROY LC564A comes with two analog oscilloscopes, one mainframe, six high speed isolated digital input channels and four analog input channels. The other features include an 8-bit D/A converter, 16-bit resolution A/D converter, a logic analyzer, and a pulse generator board. The oscilloscope functionality of LC564A is enabled by its multiple frame capture capability and deep memory. It offers a range of analog and digital measurement functions, such as spectrum, time, amplitude, and VCDU. It also provides arbitrary waveform generation, signal analysis, and a wide range of triggering options. The digital channel inputs are highly integrated with the unit, allowing for simultaneous measurement of multiple digital signals. The logic analyzer of LECROY LC564A is ideal for debugging digital logic circuits and is configurable to capture and analyze digital signals from various logic families. It supports both trace and decode, as well as path delays for analyzing complex systems. The pulse generator board of LC564A offers signal generation and modulation to help optimize designs. LECROY LC564A is a comprehensive automated test and measurement machine suitable for various application areas. It can provide precision measurements for a wide variety of measurements, such as AC/DC voltages, resistance, capacitance, frequency, temperature, and logic. The user friendly interface allows for easy setup and measurements, while the automated functions simplify data analysis and report generation. The tool can be further configured with more modules to enable advanced measurement capabilities.
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