Used LECROY LC584AM #149155 for sale

ID: 149155
LECROY LC584AM is an electronic test equipment designed to measure, record, and analyze a wide range of electronic signals. The unit's built-in 4 GS/s Real Time Sampling Rate enables fast, accurate measurements of low-noise signals, while its 1 Mpts of Acquisition Memory and 100 kpts Long Memory capability can capture signal details in applications such as mapping time domain, frequency domain, signal analysis, and bit error measurement. LC584AM offers independent dual input channels, allowing users to simultaneously measure two different signals. LECROY LC584AM features 20 MHz of active input bandwidth and 1000:1 probe includes a built-in dual-channel linear DVM, allowing users to measure true-RMS voltage at up to 200 μV resolution and current at up to 20 mA resolution. The unit also provides enhanced spectrum analysis capabilities with window functions and FFTs. FFT sweeping up to 10 MHz, as well as Window functions such as Kaiser, Hamming, and Flat Top, are selectable to enable users to accurately analyze and capture spectrum: information. The unit can be operated either by its front panel or by optional PC or GPIB control. LC584AM also offers a variety of advanced triggering and math functions, making it ideal for applications such as serial data communication analysis and automated measurements. Signal acquisition can be triggered on time (via external trigger or time base) or by various levels. MIN/MAX/Average functions can be used to compute key parameters from a set of measurements quickly and precisely, while the built-in math calculator provides convenient graphical calculation operations including operators such as Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide. LECROY LC584AM is an ideal instrument for laboratories and field engineers because of its advanced functionality, which makes the task of quickly identifying, measuring, and analyzing electronic signals easier and more efficient. Its combination of real-time sampling, deep memory, and advanced analysis and math functions make it an excellent choice for designers and engineers operating in a wide range of electronic applications including power electronic design, consumer electronics, and industrial monitoring.
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