Used LECROY LT224 #9156866 for sale

ID: 9156866
LECROY LT224 is an electronic test equipment created in 1978 by LECROY Corporation. LT224 is used to make accurate and reliable measurements of voltage, current, impedance, frequency, temperature, and other parameters. It is often used to test analog devices such as integrated circuits (ICs), transistors, resistors, capacitors, relays, transducers, switches, motors, controllers, and other electrical components. LECROY LT224 consists of two components: a mainframe and an optional plug-in expander unit. The mainframe is a self-contained unit that houses the power supply and system control electronics. It also contains a terminal panel, where interface cables are connected between the mainframe and expander unit. The mainframe contains three slots for single-channel plug-ins. The plug-ins are based on the user's requirements and are capable of testing a variety of different types of devices. The plug-ins contain a switchable drive source, a torch pattern, a voltage bridge, and test panel. The foreload provides the test signal, which is fed into the test panel for measurements such as short circuit current, insulation resistance, and the measurement of voltages at desired points. The torch pattern is used to measure capacitance, impedance, and frequency. The voltage bridge is used to measure voltages at up to five points in a circuit. LT224 is equipped with various control and indicator knobs and buttons. The Power On/Off switch is used to turn the mainframe on and off. The Volts/Ohms switch is used to change the selection of the current/voltage measuring range. The measure switch is used to select the type of measurement being made such as ac frequency, dc volts, and resistance. The standby switch is used to pause the operation while measurements are being made. In addition to the hardware features, LECROY LT224 comes with special software which is used to analyze the results obtained from the measurements. This software can be used to graph results, print them, and generate reports with different types of analysis. The software also includes a built-in help file which explains the available commands. Overall, LT224 is a powerful and reliable electronic test equipment which can be used to test a variety of parameters. Its built-in software makes it easy to analyze and record measured values.
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