Used LECROY US005APB-X #159439 for sale

ID: 159439
Protocol analyzer.
LECROY US005APB-X is an advanced electronic test equipment designed to help engineers and technicians troubleshoot, analyze, and diagnose various electrical systems. The equipment is capable of providing versatile measurements with high accuracy, including voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and frequency. US005APB-X offers a wide range of features, enabling it to measure up to 10 channels of signals simultaneously. This is done with its high-speed scanner and allows for both real-time and multi-track measurements. The system also measures waveforms with different ranges, giving users data up to 1024 points. These waveforms can be recorded with an incredibly fast 25 million waveforms per second (MW/s) speed and can be saved in the internal memory or over USB to an external device. In addition, users can view the waveforms in both analog and digital formats. Digital mode measurements allow for a higher degree of accuracy, while the robust analog viewing mode is ideal for making visual comparisons of waveforms. The unit is also well suited for accuracy due to its high-resolution 12-bit inputs and 14-bit outputs for low levels of noise. LECROY US005APB-X is further enhanced with power supply tests, advanced math functions, and a wide range of trigger functions. The machine's math functions allow mathematic operations to performed on the collected waveforms while detecting any glitches or anomalous signals. The trigger functions allow users to precisely select when and where to take measurements, which provide a great way to isolate problem areas. For simpler measurement and diagnosis, US005APB-X also offers a host of automated tests. These tests include voltage, current, resistance, and power tests, eliminating the need for manual measurements. The user can also choose from over 200 pre-defined measurement sequences with the press of a button, which minimizes the time it takes for testing. Overall, LECROY US005APB-X is an advanced test equipment capable of providing highly accurate and detailed measurements. It features a host of features designed to quickly and accurately diagnose various electrical systems and its automated test options eliminate the need for tedious manual testing. The tool is well suited for a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, defense, and medical.
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