Used LECROY WaveAce 222 #9131673 for sale

LECROY WaveAce 222
ID: 9131673
Digital oscilloscope.
LECROY WaveAce 222 is a high-quality electronic test equipment designed for accurate and in-depth analysis. It is a versatile oscilloscope solution ideal for testing a variety of scenarios including design, education, troubleshooting, and research. WaveAce 222 provides the user with a 50MHz bandwidth, 2 analog channels and a sampling rate up to 1 MS/s. It is equipped with an 8-inch display and passive probe. The included 8-inch display allows the user to efficiently view waveforms with a high resolution of 1024 x 768. On the front panel is a selection of knobs, buttons, and switches to adjust the scope and view different parameters. Coupled with the 2 10x passive probes it allows the user to capture high-speed signals with low-noise. For powerful data analysis, LECROY WaveAce 222 features a powerful ZebraZ analysis suite. This suite provides a wide variety of tools to quickly analyze data. It includes FFT functionality, histograms, overlaying waveforms, and more. WaveAce 222 also supports a wide range of optional accessories to enhance your testing capability such as power measurement, trigger delay, and switching. For flexible waveform capture, LECROY WaveAce 222 has an internal memory of 120 frames with a maximum acquisition time of 10,000 points per channel. With up to 3 waveforms that can be stored on the internal memory at once, it allows the user to compare different waveforms in an efficient manner. The ergonomic design of WaveAce 222, with its lightweight, compact body, makes it ideal for a range of applications. It can be powered by either single-phase AC power or optional battery pack. LECROY WaveAce 222 also includes a range of communication options: GPIB, USB, LAN, and RS232. These communication options further expand the scope's utility by allowing the user to save data and perform automated testing. Overall, WaveAce 222 is a versatile, high-quality electronic test equipment designed to aid users in a wide range of applications. Its 50MHz bandwidth, superior resolution, and high sampling rate make it ideal for capturing detailed waveforms. Powerful analysis features and communication options further enhance its value, making it an essential tool for any workspace.
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