Used LEYBOLD Optics 12 #9192968 for sale

LEYBOLD Optics 12
ID: 9192968
Digital servo module.
LEYBOLD Optics 12 is an electronic test equipment used for optical testing purposes. It is specifically designed to measure the performance parameters of material optical components including lenses, films, windows, and gratings. The equipment features a spectrum of tools and accessories to provide the most accurate and reliable measurements for various optical applications. The basic measurement principle of Optics 12 is based on the use of a monochromatic light source to measure the angular intensity distribution of the optical system. The light source is mounted on an XYZ™ stabilizing table with a precision linear encoder. Additionally, the optical unit is mounted on the XYZ table allowing for three-dimensional alignment and adjustment of the optical machine. The alignment of the optical tool is critical in order to obtain accurate and reliable results. Once the asset is properly aligned, LEYBOLD Optics 12 can be used to measure a variety of optical parameters, such as relative illumination, point spread function, modulation transfer function (MTF), and contrast. Additionally, the model also includes a number of features used to characterize the position of the optical axis, such as Taylor's equation, which determines the angle of aperture and the location of the optical axis. Optics 12 also comes with a wide array of software tools that are necessary to perform the measurements and provide detailed analysis of the results. The software consists of modules to set up the optical equipment, measure the performance parameters, compute the results, and report the data in various formats. With the help of the software, users can obtain detailed graphical representations of the measurements, such as spot diagrams and plots of the MTF, which can help in the interpretation of the results. Moreover, LEYBOLD Optics 12 offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making the system easy to operate, even for those with little or no experience in optical testing. Additionally, the unit can be safely used in laboratory environments due to its safety design features and its compatibility with a variety of accessories. Finally, Optics 12 provides fast and precise measurements of optical parameters. The machine is designed to perform measurements within one second, allowing users to obtain results quickly and accurately without sacrificing accuracy or precision. As a result, the tool is ideal for any laboratory or production environment where accuracy and precision matter.
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