Used MARCONI 2960 #9111205 for sale
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MARCONI 2960 is an electronic test equipment designed to measure both RF (Radio Frequency) and microwave signals for precise analysis and tuning. It is ideal for both laboratory and on site use, given its rugged construction and portability. It offers a wide range of measurements and monitoring capabilities, providing reliable results at any test frequency in just a few minutes. 2960 consists of a base unit, signal generator, and antenna selection system. The base unit consists of built-in power supplies, analog and digital signal generators, a PC/printer connection, and a liquid crystal display (LCD) for menu navigation. It also has a built-in RF scanner to scan through a frequency range to quickly find the desired frequency. The signal generator provides continuous and pulse signal synthesis, as well as waveform tracking and amplitude and frequency modulation. It can generate signals from 1 MHz to 26.5 GHz for precision and accuracy. The antenna selection system comprises two crossed dipoles for accurate and repeatable measurements. MARCONI 2960 has an excellent measurement accuracy of 0.1 dB, allowing confident analysis of the signal. It also offers comprehensive test and monitoring capabilities, such as a built-in vector network analyser (VNA) for scalar measurements, spectrum analysis for in-depth frequency monitoring, and a digital oscilloscope for time domain and signal analysis. The system includes a wide range of interface options for any third-party equipment. Additionally, it has a variety of input and output options, which includes N type, SMA, 7/16, and BNC for coaxial connections, and USB, Ethernet, and RS232 for data transfer. 2960 is highly reliable and efficient, making it an ideal choice for test engineers and technicians who require precise results quickly and accurately. Its rich features and comprehensive testing capabilities make it suitable for a variety of applications, from scientific research to product development. It is highly cost-effective considering its performance and accuracy, and it is built to last, giving users reliable operation for years of use.
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