Used ROHDE & SCHWARZ CMW 500 #9246642 for sale
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ROHDE & SCHWARZ CMW 500 is a versatile, multi-functional communications test station for conducting development, production and service related R&D testing. It provides a wide range of features and capabilities to test a variety of wireless communication systems, such as cellular, mobile and cordless communications, satellite communication systems, automotive electronics, and broadcast broadcasting systems. CMW 500 consists of a base unit, a high frequency generator, a digital signal processor, a gateway router, and several communication test accessories, including antennas and cables. It also comes with a user-friendly touch-screen interface, which makes conducting mobile/ wireless communications R&D testing much easier and more efficient. ROHDE & SCHWARZ CMW 500 offers the most comprehensive set of testing and measurement features available in the market. It is designed to quickly identify, diagnose, and solve problems with wireless or cellular communication systems. Its interoperability with a wide range of technologies, including GSM/GPRS/EDGE and LTE, makes it perfect for testing and debugging applications. It can also test different modulation formats, such as CDMA/WCDMA, TD-CDMA, LTE, and 5G. CMW 500's network test capabilities also include data rates, latency, reliability and transmission quality measurements. Other features include the ability to generate LTE uplink and downlink signals, simulate interference between base stations and mobile devices, and high-accuracy vector signal analysis. This allows for extremely accurate measurements, and allows users to quickly identify problems and find solutions. ROHDE & SCHWARZ CMW 500 can also work as a remote testing tool through ROHDE & SCHWARZ RemoteLink software. Through this service, users can conveniently access the test system from any location, as long as they have an internet connection. This makes it ideal for carrying out tests and diagnostics in remote locations. In addition to its testing and measurement capabilities, CMW 500 comes with several other useful features, such as comprehensive multi-site support and embedded applications, that make it an ideal choice for a wide range of mobile development and R&D applications.
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