Used TEKTRONIX 528A #293663189 for sale

ID: 293663189
Waveform / Vector monitor.
TEKTRONIX 528A analog oscilloscope is a general purpose oscilloscope that is designed to provide a variety of functions, including frequency response measurements, transient analysis and troubleshooting. The oscilloscope includes a mainframe with dual-trace CRT, a deflection amplifier, sweep generator and power supplies. The mainframe includes an 11 inch, dual-trace CRT with a vertical deflection sensitivity of 0.2 mV and a horizontal deflection accuracy of 2%. The oscilloscope provides a maximum trace of 15 V/Div and a maximum sweep time base of 500 microseconds/Div. This provides a wide range of measurement and testing capabilities. The oscilloscope also includes a variable-speed sweep generator and an amplitude and offset controls on the vertical amplifier allowing the user to adjust for a variety of signal and waveform parameters. The oscilloscope is also provided with selectable input impedance. With a 50 ohm impendec it has excellent amplitude response to the higher frequency signals needed for transient analysis. When set to high impedance, it is more suitable for low-frequency signals and can be used for analyzing linear signals. The oscilloscope also includes marker output and XY mode control. The marker output can be used to measure peak-to-peak values, frequency and other characteristics of the signal. The XY mode is useful for displaying the amplitude of a signal versus another signal, usually a time base. This provides useful data for frequency response measurements, as well as graphs of velocity versus position. The oscilloscope is powered by a self-contained, universal power supply, which accepts voltages from 110 to 220 VAC. It includes a built-in screen power supply and amperage control. This allows users to make most measurements with the oscilloscope without needing additional power supplies or voltage sources. Overall, 528A is an excellent general purpose oscilloscope, however its functionality is limited to a maximum input of 15V and a maximum time base of 500 microseconds/Div. Nevertheless, it remains a great instrument for general measurements, frequency response analysis, transient analysis and troubleshooting.
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