Used TESCOM TC-5940A #9280287 for sale

ID: 9280287
Shield box.
TESCOM TC-5940A is an electronic test equipment used mainly in the telecommunications industry. It is a digital multi-meter and signal generator, designed to be used in easy, intuitive steps. TC-5940A comes equipped with a powerful 1750 MHz frequency range, a 12-digit display, and auto-ranging capabilities. It features four selectable signal outputs, a current monitor, and an auxiliary output. The high-resolution display allows for comprehensive measurements, and a built-in scalable light meter shows the small details on the large display. There are various output formats available, including analog, digital, and thermocouple readouts. Additionally, it offers isolated outputs, which promote user safety. TESCOM TC-5940A measures regulated or unregulated electrical parameters, including current, voltage, frequency, resistance, inductance, time, temperature, and pressure. It also includes a built-in timer, which is adjustable and can be used to keep track of test times. Digital calibration is made possible with a front-panel pushbutton, allowing calibration to be done on the spot. TC-5940A includes a user-friendly keypad with slim style keys and a graphical user interface, making it easy to navigate the menu. Its intuitive design also makes it simple to enter data, perform tests, and store data. The included timer software allows the user to control the duration of tests, and the signal settings menu permits the user to configure the settings for each output. TESCOM TC-5940A also features an advanced low-noise multi-channel waveform generator, which is used to generate a variety of signals including sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms. The output range is 12MHz to 800MHz, with a resolution of 0.5Hz. The generator also includes two selectable sample rates and a gate mode that synchronizes multiple signals. In all, TC-5940A is an easy-to-use and powerful universal test system, ideally suited for applications in the telecommunications industry. Its wide range of useful features makes it a valuable tool for anyone working in this field.
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