Used HORIBA / JOBIN YVON UVISEL II #293594976 for sale

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ID: 293594976
Vintage: 2013
Spectroscopic ellipsometer Layer / Stack thickness: <1 nm - 20 µm Optical properties (8) Spot sizes: 34 x 34, 50 x 50, 100 x 100, 200 x 200, 500 x 500, 750 x 750, 12 x 34, 585 x 1710 μm² Spectral range for model VIS: 190 to 1000nm (1.2 - 6.5eV) Spectral resolution: <0.3 nm XYZ Mapping stage, 8" Auto-focus and auto-tilt Auto calibration and auto validation with integrated references Xe pressurized lamp Lifetime: 1500 Hours Dell dual-core-processor, 3.2 GHz 4 GB RAM, 250 GB harddrive 21" Flat-Screen-Monitor Keyboard Mouse Operating system: Windows 7 Pro Power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz, Single phase, 400 W 2013 vintage.
HORIBA / JOBIN YVON UVISEL II ellipsometer is a high-resolution in-situ optical instrument designed to measure the optical and surface characteristics of substrates with a high degree of accuracy. The instrument uses a combination of Polarization-Modulated Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (PMSE) and Integrated Reflection Spectroscopy (IRS) technologies to measure the change in polarization of light scattered off the surface of a material as a function of incident angle and wavelength. The information gathered from the incident light is then used to generate surface-characterization data such as film thickness, refractive index, optical constants, and surface roughness. HORIBA/YVON HORIBA UVISEL II uses two acousto-optic tunable filters and a white light source for the rapid acquisition of data. This combination of light source and filter allows for variable wavelength and incident angle measurements that are not available with spectroscopes or other less-advanced methods. For instance, a variable wavelength range of wavelengths between 200 and 1000 nm allows for high resolution surface characterization. The variable angle of incidence range of 1° - 85° allows for accurate modeling angles at off-normal angles. The instrument is equipped with a computer-controlled motorized rotation stage to ensure accuracy. JOBIN YVON/YVON JOBIN YVON UVISEL II also includes a temperature control and vacuum chamber to expand the capabilities of the system when measuring temperature-sensitive materials and samples with an integrated turbo-pumped vacuum for in-situ measurements. This capability makes it possible to measure films that would otherwise be inaccessible due to thermal instability. HORIBA / JOBIN YVON/YVON UVISEL II utilizes a multipurpose software that has been designed for analyzing a large variety of parameters and materials. This system is capable of controlling motorized stages and quickly analyzing data. Furthermore, it is user-friendly, allowing easy data acquisition and manipulation. The software includes a library of reference materials and provides user-defined tolerance limits as a means of detecting differences between measured material properties and expected values. HORIBA/YVON HORIBA / JOBIN YVON UVISEL II is an ideal instrument for use in a variety of industries, including semiconductor, medical device, photovoltaic, and glass manufacturing. The versatility and high accuracy of the system make it suitable for both research and production applications. The instrument's broad capabilities, small footprint, and intuitive software interface make it the perfect choice for precision optical and surface characterization.
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