Used J.A. WOOLLAM M-2000 #293664041 for sale

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ID: 293664041
Vintage: 2017
Ellipsometer 2017 vintage.
J.A. WOOLLAM M-2000 Ellipsometer is a device designed specifically for characterizing thin film systems and determining the complex optical constants. With unprecedented data speed and accuracy, it is one of the top of the line tools for optical characterization. M-2000 uses a class of ellipsometry techniques known as variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE). This technique is of particular use when analyzing thin films, because it can measure the optical constants over a large range of angles within a fraction of a second while scanning several wavelengths. J.A. WOOLLAM M-2000 also employs a dual wavelength (λ/2) technique to measure the optical anisotropy of thin films down to sub- nm thick. M-2000 boasts a five- degrees-of-freedom mechanical equipment that allows for unprecedented speed and accuracy in measurements. The device features an integrated sample stage that can monitor sample motion in the plane of incidence for up to ±4°. This allows for precise measurements without the need for a dedicated sample mounting system. The most impressive feature of J.A. WOOLLAM M-2000 is its unit for automated mapping and sampling. With just a few clicks, users can create maps as large as 15 x 15 of varying parameters across a range of angles and wavelengths. That means highly accurate mapping in a fraction of the time. In terms of optics and hardware, M-2000 is equipped with a two-channel spectrometer that allows it to detect linear polarized light at up to 12 different wavelengths (195 nm to 1675 nm) at up to 4 different angles per wavelength. This machine is optimized for custom-designed sample holders and features superior optical power supply units to ensure accurate results. J.A. WOOLLAM M-2000 includes advanced software packages such as the fully featured M-View Pro GUI with extensive customization and reporting options. It also includes a Python library for multivariate analysis, as well as MATLAB scripts for plotting results. This provides an incredible array of options for data analysis and tracking to meet the unique needs of every user. Overall, M-2000 Ellipsometer is the ultimate tool for optical characterization of thin films. With its precision speed, accuracy and easy to use software, it is the perfect device for any application.
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