Used RUDOLPH AUTO EL III #293638655 for sale
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RUDOLPH AUTO EL III is a high-precision ellipsometer designed for the measurement of thin films. It consists of three main components: a laser interferometer, radiation source, and detector equipment. The interferometer uses a laser to generate a beam which is passed through a half-wave plate that is rotated by an angle θ. The beam is then split into two beams, each of which is separately reflected off of two surfaces of the sample. By rotating the half-wave plate to particular angles, the reflected beams emerge from the sample in different directions. The radiation source is responsible for providing a specified wavelength of light for interpretation. The detector system uses a combination of photo-multipliers and filters to detect the changes in intensity of the two reflected beams. RUDOLPH AUTOEL III is a highly advanced tool for measuring thin films. It is designed for maximum precision and accuracy, with a 1-µm resolution for each measurement. It is able to measure various optical properties such as thickness, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and absorption coefficient of the thin film. This allows for quick, accurate measurements of the film properties, without the need for a complicated spectroscopic or chemical analysis. The unit is controlled by a highly user-friendly, graphic-driven graphical user interface (GUI). AUTO EL III can be used to analyze coatings, thin films and self-assembled monolayers, as well as semiconductor substrates. It is ideal for research into the characterization and development of thin films. It can also be used to analyze growth parameters of thin films, measure thin and ultrathin films and obtain reflection and absorption data of multilayer structures. In summary, AUTOEL III is a high-precision ellipsometer designed for the measurement of thin films. It features an interferometer, radiation source and detector machine, and is capable of precisely measuring thin films in terms of their optical properties. This versatile instrument is well-suited for the characterization and development for thin films and can be used for various research purposes.
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