Used HOSHIZAKI F-300BAF #9291637 for sale

ID: 9291637
Ice maker.
HOSHIZAKI F-300BAF is an environmental chamber designed for testing a variety of materials in the aerospace, automotive, medical device, and other industries. It has an interior volume of 24 cubic feet and is capable of maintaining precise temperature and humidity levels, as well as simulating a range of other environmental conditions. F-300BAF is equipped with a range of features and capabilities that enable it to perform testing in a wide variety of environments. HOSHIZAKI F-300BAF is a fully insulated unit that can be operated in either ambient or coolant-cooled mode. It features an interior cooling equipment which allows for temperature control and a coved interior design for practical and easy cleaning. F-300BAF also has an ultraviolet germicidal lamp, which helps to protect against contamination during testing. An optional CO2 gas sensor system can be integrated into the chamber for accurate CO2 monitoring and proven air purity. HOSHIZAKI F-300BAF utilizes an electronic thermoelectric cooling unit, which allows precise temperature control, ranging from -30°C to +80°C. With an RMS controller, temperatures are controlled with extreme accuracy and with an alarm machine that triggers when temperatures deviate from the set range. The chamber also features a built-in digital humidifier controller, which provides precise humidity control, ranging from 10 to 95%RH. Advanced HEPA/ULPA filtration systems integrated in the unit further ensure the purity of the air. The easy-to-use touchscreen controller allows for a range of programming options to facilitate different types of testing. The user can create, store, and recall up to 99 test programs and set programmed temperature, humidity, timer, and other functions. Advanced self-monitoring systems provide real-time data regarding the chamber's performance as well as real-time alarms to alert the user if any readings fall outside of set bounds. F-300BAF also features exterior shelving, which provides organized storage for test samples and components. The built-in timer allows users to program the chamber for pre-determined cycles of testing at regular intervals, ensuring that testing remains accurate and repeatable. HOSHIZAKI F-300BAF is a robust and reliable environmental chamber designed to simulate a variety of conditions, from cryogenic temperatures to extreme temperatures and humidity levels. With its range of features, precise control of parameters, and air purification capabilities, it is an ideal choice for laboratory testing applications.
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