Used SHINWA T&H-ESA-4-E-12 #293636297 for sale
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SHINWA T&H-ESA-4-E-12 is a top-of-the-line environmental chamber, engineered to provide optimal and stable conditions for a wide range of applications. This uniquely designed chamber is perfect for both industrial and laboratory testing in industries such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, automotive, food production and more. The unit is highly versatile, allowing its user to recreate any temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure they need to simulate a certain environment. It can reach temperatures as low as -55°C, and as high as + 85°C with an accuracy of +/- 0.5°C. The humidity levels can range from 0 to 90% RH with a precision of 1% RH. It also features a weather simulation function that can adjust the air pressure from 86 to 106 kPa. Using T&H-ESA-4-E-12, one can configure the environment in the chamber to meet their specific needs. There are numerous ports for temperature, humidity, and pressure measurement that can be used to measure the conditions in real time. Additionally, external heaters and coolers can be hooked up to the chamber if extra heating or cooling is needed. SHINWA T&H-ESA-4-E-12 is also equipped with safety features to protect its user. The water heater and cooler are automatically switched off after a preset temperature is achieved, the overheat protection function ensures that the temperature does not rise above the set point, and the recovery function automatically adjusts the temperature drops that occur due to door openings. In terms of performance, T&H-ESA-4-E-12 is the ideal choice for many industries. Its direct control system ensures that the conditions inside the chamber remain consistent and reliable. The high- powered fans provide uniform temperature distribution, while the unique air circulation system helps maintain a high quality of air within the chamber. On top of that, an advanced microprocessor is used to control the environmental conditions in real time. SHINWA T&H-ESA-4-E-12 is one of the top environmental chambers when it comes to performance and reliability. Its wide range of temperature and humidity control options make it an excellent choice for many types of testing. With the built-in safety features, this unit should be able to serve your needs with confidence.
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