Used TENNEY TJR #9063041 for sale

ID: 9063041
Temperature chamber Internal dimensions: 16"W x 11"D x 12"H Temperature range: -70º to +170º C Programmer Stainless interior.
TENNEY TJR is an environmental chamber designed to simulate a wide variety of environmental conditions from low humidity and extreme temperatures, to shock tests and humidity tests. This powerful chamber is constructed with 304 stainless steel exterior and includes a touch-sensitive glass front control panel, adjustable shutters, and a real time controller to precisely control the chamber condition. With its expanding range, improved containment and temperature uniformity, and all digital accuracy, TJR environment chamber is among the most advanced of its kind available. TENNEY TJR's expandable temperature range can range between -60 degrees Celsius to +160 degrees Celsius. As a result, the unit is perfect for purposes such as reliability testing, durability testing, shelf life testing, and analysis of the aging process in electronics. To ensure that users can test products and materials in a wide range of conditions, both hot and cold, over a wide range of times and in multiple environmental conditions, TJR is built to provide a uniform temperature across the entire unit. Temperature uniformity is provided for by a special air circulation system equipped with heat baffles that ensure the heaters run at the same temperature both top to bottom and from side to side. To ensure maximum environmental efficiency, TENNEY TJR has been designed with a number of advanced features. A special anti-corrosion capability helps reduce wear and tear on the products and materials tested, while air circulation fans installed in different parts of the chamber help provide maximum uniform temperature and containment. TJR also includes a touchscreen-based user interface that displays hourly time lapse data as well as data on temperature and humidity. The user interface allows users to create personalized settings and conditions and to monitor any changes that occur. TENNEY TJR also includes high-precision data logging capabilities, allowing data collected during the testing to be stored and compared to performance data from other tests. Finally, TJR is equipped with a powerful compressors and evaporator to ensure maximum environmental efficiency. Combined with advanced features, special anti-corrosion materials, and uniform temperature/humidity controls, TENNEY TJR is a highly reliable and efficient environment chamber ideal for testing and research purposes.
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