Used BRANSON / IPC 2000t #9107424 for sale
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ID: 9107424
20.3.3 System
AE Press included
Converter and booster
20 khz, 3300 watts, 220 single phase.
BRANSON 2000t Asher/Etcher is a powerful and precise machine that is used for creating microscopic, intricate, or otherwise specialized patterns in the etching of boards, components, and other materials. It has a simultaneous, four-stage capacitive discharge that delivers high accuracy, versatility, and reliability in the etching process. 2000t is powered by a robust electrical power supply and control system that provides control and accuracy over the etching process in a variety of materials. The precision of BRANSON 2000t is further enhanced by its CNC option, which allows accurate and reliable repeatable etching and the ability to program 2000t with precise and repeatable etching processes. This allows the accuracy of the etching to be maintained and allows the machine to etch large areas. BRANSON 2000t also includes many of the same features that other ashers include, such as electrodes, automatic with-pressure control, and pulsed power for rapid etching. 2000t has both a built-in temperature control system and a hermetically sealed design, which prevents dangerous fumes and particles from escaping into the atmosphere. This is a very important feature for anyone doing etching, as it guarantees clean, safe etching. BRANSON 2000t also has a wide range of features that make it very versatile, allowing it to both refine an existing etching process and create new etching processes. BRANSON software allows users to take full advantage of 2000t's capabilities and its many available configuration options, such as shapes, sizes, and widths, so users can easily customize their etching processes to perfectly fit their project. BRANSON 2000t is an incredible machine that delivers high accuracy and reliability, and its features and CNC options make it a great choice for anyone looking to create fine, beautiful details in etching, whether it is large or small, delicate or intricate. 2000t is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an asher/etcher with superior quality, advanced features, and precise results.
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