Used HORIBA Ultima ICP #9213540 for sale
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HORIBA Ultima ICP is a powerful and versatile spectrometer that can be used to measure a wide range of elements in a variety of sample types. It is an ICP-OES (Inductively Couple Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer) instrument used for elemental analysis. This spectrometer provides a comprehensive elemental analysis in the range of 5ppm to 100%. This spectrometer has a wide linearDynamic Range(DR) up to 5 orders of magnitude and is specifically designed for very low limit of detection (LOD) and high precision. Ultima ICP requires very small sample volumes, often as low as 5 µL, and can analyze both aqueous and solid samples, either as bulk, fluid, or gas. Samples can also be processed without dilution before analysis. This spectrometer is equipped with a VDI (Vertical Double-pass Integration) optical unit and a CCD (Charge Coupled Device) detector, providing a high spectral resolution and sensitivity suitable for all types of samples. Additionally, HORIBA Ultima ICP boasts a very short reaction time and near instantaneous pulsed arc operation, allowing more accurate and efficient results. Ultima ICP makes use of an internal dilutor system, delivering a reliable and precise analysis with sub-ppm accuracy. This spectrometer uses 6 gases, including argon, oxygen, and hydrogen, and offers a range of accessories such as a variety of cells, nebulizers, and injectors for specific requirements. HORIBA Ultima ICP provides a simple and easy-to-use software package to maximize efficiency and accuracy. This software allows for rapid data collection, quality control, data storage, and sampling automation. Ultima ICP also has a wide range of security features, including authentication, audit trails, and data encryption. Overall, HORIBA Ultima ICP is an effective and versatile spectrometer that is suitable for a wide variety of laboratory applications. Its high performance and high accuracy make it an ideal choice for accurately measuring a range of elements.
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