Used LAM RESEARCH Alliance A4 9600SE #9098133 for sale

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ID: 9098133
Wafer Size: 8"
Vintage: 1995
Poly etcher, 8" Wafer configuration: SEMI VCE Doors: Automatic VCE Seal: Bellows VCE Platform: Cassette Alliance remote AC box TCU / Pumps remote AC box Remote UI Light tower: No Cool station: No Pumping configuration: Single Gas panel: Integrated Auxiliary equipment: Chiller & monitor rack Remote power module (RPM-2) Turbo control rack Support components (4) Pumps Remote power module (RPM-1) Gas box & other support components EMO Cable length: Not Included No process modules included 1995 vintage.
LAM RESEARCH Alliance A4 9600SE is a fully automated etcher/asher typically used in semiconductor manufacturing. This equipment provides users with a wide range of options for precision chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP) planarization of integrated circuit (IC) substrates and is capable of etching (or ashing) a variety of materials, including metal, dielectrics, and polymers. LAM RESEARCH ALLIANCE A4 9600 SE is capable of providing a uniform chemical reaction to any patterned or unpatterend IC wafer. The system is comprised of several process modules and components, including a chemical delivery and reclamation unit, a wafer handler, a robot/cassette handling machine, a gas delivery tool, and multiple process chambers. The chemical delivery and reclamation asset can be configured to deliver a variety of etching and ashing chemicals, including sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid. The gas delivery model controls pressure and flow rate for the process chambers and is capable of introducing oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, fluorine, and other process gases. The wafer handler is the most critical part of Alliance A4 9600SE and is responsible for transferring wafers between the process chambers and the robotic/cassette handling equipment. The wafer handler is controlled using an in-house developed software package called "LaserLAB", which provides the option to monitor and adjust the required parameters for the etching or ash process, such as temperature, flow rate, pressure, and exposure to process gases. ALLIANCE A4 9600 SE has several safety integrated functions. For example, an emergency shut-off switch is located above each etching or ashing chamber and is designed to be activated if there is any emergency situation, such as over-temperature, high gas pressure, power failure, etc. Additionally, the automated system is designed to minimize the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals or gases by incorporating a venting unit that is responsible for removing any chemical vapors or process gases from the environment. Overall, LAM RESEARCH Alliance A4 9600SE is a high performance, automated etching and ashing machine capable of providing users with efficient and reliable processing of a wide range of materials for semiconductor manufacturing. The tool's safety integrated functions reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals and gases, making LAM RESEARCH ALLIANCE A4 9600 SE a safe and reliable platform for CMP processing.
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