Used LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 #9090420 for sale

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ID: 9090420
Wafer Size: 8"
Dual frequency oxide chamber, 8" Plasma Monitoring, 27/2 MHz (1) 8" Chamber Osaka Helical Groove Vacuum Turbo Pump & Controller Model TS443EN ENI Dual Frequency RF Generator Model OB1-03, and Match set RF output 2.5kW @1.8 MHz and 10kW max at 27MHz HP Vectra Xu 6/200 computer with Lam Exelan Software RF Gas box Plasma monitoring system upgrade included: BICEP Monitor BIAS Monitor Polarity RVS Polarity RVS RTN Esc set point Esc monitor Missing: 6" Right-angle valve Controller for the helical-groove-pump.
LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 is an etch/ashers designed for high-volume production of high-quality etched microstructures. It is an economical and dependable solution for manufacturers due to its ability to accommodate standard process modules that can be easily reconfigured for multiple processes such as deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE), Bosch Process, and wet etching. Exelan A6 features an all-metal construction with removable chambers encased in a strict safety enclosure housing all of the process areas. Additionally, LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 includes a proprietary software interface, which allows users to quickly and accurately configure the equipment for a variety of parameters. The main features of Exelan A6 are built-in safety mechanisms that control pressure, temperature, and timing. Pressure, temperature and timing can be regulated through the dedicated software, which reduces the risk of damaging components. Additionally, the system is equipped with three redundant delivery systems, three independent lasers, and three separate pressure vessels, allowing for efficient etching of multiple layers with different types of etch gases. LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 also provides automated unit on/off functions, vibration dampening, and an emergency stop button. This ensures maximum safety of the user and the plant environment. Exelan A6 is designed to reduce the chance of potential damage and contamination associated with substrates. It is capable of producing highly accurate and reliable results while utilizing chemicals that are compatible with substrates, which ensures the quality of the end product. Moreover, the machine also includes automated metrology solutions for continuous, low-power microscopic examination of etched microstructures. This allows users to monitor the etched structures and detect any potential defects and deviations from the desired result. Additionally, LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 has all of the necessary safety devices that protect the user from potential hazards, such as sparks and fires. Overall, Exelan A6 is an advanced, reliable, and safe tool for etching/ashers production. The built-in safety mechanisms reduce the risk of contamination and damage associated with substrates, while the built-in hardware and software allow for fast, accurate, and reliable results. Additionally, automated metrology solutions provide continuous evaluation of the etched microstructures, ensuring the desired quality of the final product. All of these features make LAM RESEARCH Exelan A6 an excellent choice for manufacturers.
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