Used LAM RESEARCH TCP 9600 SE #9226415 for sale

ID: 9226415
Wafer Size: 8"
Metal etcher, 8" Gas box MFC Temperature controller Process kit: EPD Sensor Chuck type: Mechanical (12) Board checkers MKS: 13.32 PA P/C ESC VAT Valve SBC Board type: BOSS Video board type: Floppy disk VME Type: Hard disk controller slot WPS Sensor Slit valve: Mini controller Robot type: Cassette handler STO Elevator type: I/O Wafer sensor EPD Exhaust line RF Match: L/L Purge, L/L slow vent RF Generator type: P/C Metal etcher (8) Motor drivers CPU TAITEC CH-800B H/E Chiller Dry pump Gauge type: TC XLL Wafer sensor Monitor Gas panel TCP Top & bottom generator: ADVANCED ENERGY RFG 1250 Bias Chamber A: O2: 200 SCCM CF4: 100 SCCM O2: 2000 SCCM H2O: 500 SCCM CHF3: 20 SCCM N2: 50 SCCM CL2: 200 SCCM BCL3: 200 SCCM Turbo pump: EDWARD SCU H1000C EDWARD STP-1000 Standalone Autoloader type STP H1000 with TMP Bottom match Wafer shape: Flte No SMIF interface MF Facilities APM Chamber ELL Arm Load port GEM & SESC Interface Cassette stage XLL Arm RF Generator Chamber type: 9600 Chamber process: Metal Manometer: 0.1 mT Millipore Standard cooling water Top & bottom RF match Gate valve & Throttle valve: Pendulum valve STP H-1000L Turbo controller Standard 4-pin cylinder EPD Controller: 703/261.8 Chamber gases: Gases / MFC Size / Gas name / MFC Maker / MFC Model number Gas 1 / 300 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Gas 2 / 200 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Gas 3 / 50 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Gas 6 / 3000 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Gas 7 / 200 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Gas 8 / 200 / N2 / AERA / FC-780C Missing parts: VDS Side covers DSQ Chamber APM Chuck motor DI Nozzle WVDS Includes: AC Rack Cable Signal cable box Power: 208V 1996 vintage.
LAM RESEARCH TCP 9600 SE etcher/asher is an advanced wafer etching and ashing equipment, used in the semiconductor fabrication process. It offers a variety of etching and ashing processes, ranging from UV etching to alkaline etching, enabling users to fabricate a wide range of semiconductor devices. The system is designed to be highly user-friendly, featuring intuitive user interfaces and quick controls for process setup. LAM RESEARCH TCP 9600SE utilizes a three-dimensional electrostatic chuck (ESC) to achieve uniform distribution of etching gas and uniform etch uniformity across the wafer surface. This results in highly precise etching and ashing, ensuring that products are produced with the highest possible quality and yield. The high-resolution pins used in the electrostatic chuck helps to ensure the uniform distribution of etch gas and the controlled temperature of the substrate, necessary for precise etching and ashing. TCP 9600 SE comes with a built-in controller, which simplifies the process setup and allows users to quickly select appropriate parameters such as etch rate, substrate, etch pressure, and etch gas composition. Moreover, the unit is equipped with a high-speed motors, enabling users to achieve superior etch uniformity while reducing process time. In addition, the machine features an auto-cleaning function, which automatically cleans the wafer during the process, eliminating particulate and other contaminants from the product. In addition to its efficient etching and ashing capabilities, TCP 9600SE offers a range of additional features, such as a modular design, allowing users to customize their process setup to their own requirements. Moreover, its enhanced thermal management features help to ensure that substrate temperatures are carefully monitored and remain within safe limits throughout the process. Overall, LAM RESEARCH TCP 9600 SE is an advanced etching and ashing tool, offering an intuitive user interface, highly precise etching, and enhanced thermal management. The asset's modular design and enhanced automation allows users to easily customize the process to their own requirements, while its fast speed and auto-cleaning functions help ensure that the highest possible product quality is achieved.
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