Used PLASMATHERM Versaline #9254663 for sale

ID: 9254663
Wafer Size: 3"-8"
Vintage: 2011
ICP Etcher, 3"-8" (4) Chambers (4) PM Modules Cassette to cassette BROOKS AUTOMATION MX 600 Handler station 2011 vintage.
PLASMATHERM Versaline is a cost-effective etching and ashing equipment for precision dielectric etching and rapid ashing of polymer and glass substrates. Versaline is designed for precise control of etch process parameters and offers uniform and repeatable etch profiles with minimal etch overshoot. Using RF power and a variety of plasma gases, enhanced etch uniformity, selectivity, and profile control can be achieved. PLASMATHERM Versaline system consists of a single circular chuck and a two-stage vacuum chamber. The chuck has a central electrode which is used in a plasma generated chemically etching process. Four gas lines supply the processing gases into the chamber and the chamber is enclosed with a precooled wall and a quartz viewport for process monitoring. A movable, vertical RF coil allows precise adjustment of the plasma etch profile. The unit operates in the pressure range of 50 mTorr to 760 Torr and has an airlock chamber for venting and loading. Versaline etcher is designed for process execution and is equipped with a comprehensive user interface and a process recipe editor. Interfacing with the chamber is provided through PLASMATHERM Versaline controller, that uses Lambda software. The Lambda software includes an advanced monitoring machine for substrate temperature, pressure, RF power, and plasma density. The process parameters can be changed and fine-tuned in real time. In addition, Versaline tool also provides an array of complex options, including electrostatic chuck for temperature control, substrate rotation, and the ability to integrate with a wide range of other substrates, such thin film deposition systems. PLASMATHERM Versaline is capable of rapid thermal processing of a wide variety of sample materials, such as molecular nanocomposite materials, polymers, and glasses, and offers excellent uniformity and etch profile control. The ability to precisely control the etch profile makes Versaline well suited for high-precision etching, ashing, and annealing processes. It is also an ideal tool for achieving controlled depth and profile for nanoscale lithography and etching applications. PLASMATHERM Versaline is a cost-effective etching and ashing asset for nanometer-scale devices, and it ideally suits a wide range of laboratories who require fine-tuned etching and ashing systems. Versaline offers excellent performance, accuracy, and reliability in etching substrates at the nanoscale.
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