Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON TE 8500 #293657837 for sale

ID: 293657837
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON TE 8500 is an etcher / asher used primarily in the fabrication of electronic devices. It is a highly advanced, multi-function equipment that combines etching, ashing, dry etching, photoresist removal, and other highly specialized tasks. The system consists of various components that integrate different functions of an etcher into a single device. The most important components in TEL TE 8500 are the gas flow controller, the RF power supply module, and the remote interface. These components all work together to provide a reliable etching and cleaning process. The gas flow controller is used to control the flow of various gases into the chamber. The RF power supply is used to provide the power used for plasma formation. Additionally, the remote interface can be used to monitor and adjust the parameters of the etch process. TOKYO ELECTRON TE 8500 also possesses an automated gas regulation unit, which ensures a consistent and reliable etch process. This can be used to control the flow of inert gases, such as argon, helium, or krypton, which are used to create a stable plasma. Additionally, the machine can be programmed to automatically control the RF power and gas flow rates. Another important feature of TE 8500 is its Open Loop Process Control. This allows the tool to dynamically adjust gas flow and other parameters during etc and ashing, allowing for precise and reliable etching and ashing. TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON TE 8500 also utilizes advanced diagnostic and temperature control systems. It can automatically detect and prevent asset overheating, providing a consistent and reliable process outcome. The machine is also highly compatible and can be integrated with multiple types of wafer processing equipment such as single wafer tools, batch process equipment, and benchtop-type systems. This makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of industries, as well as academic and research settings. Overall, TEL TE 8500 is a sophisticated etcher / asher that offers reliable, precise, and repeatable etch and ashing performance. It can be used for a wide variety of applications, and its advanced features provide a stable and consistent etch process.
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