Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias #293605934 for sale

ID: 293605934
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is an etching / asher equipment designed to process microelectronic devices quickly and with superior accuracy. It utilizes a microfluidic jet etching technique, which maximizes etching speed, precision, and uniformity. TEL Trias also comes equipped with a 3-axis Zernike-type alignment system for high-precision alignment of substrate or wafer position for etching. TOKYO ELECTRON Trias utilizes a reactive-ion-etch (RIE) plasma environment, which is accelerated by the electrostatic field created by the multiple ion sources. This creates an etching process with atomic level precision and a uniform etching rate for the entire substrate or wafer. The plasma environment reduces or eliminates the undesirable physical etching processes that are prone to edge and corner erosion, making higher denser designs possible. Trias also supports a full range of photo-resist technologies, including standard and sub-resolution lithography. It is designed to provide a throughput of up to 10 wafers per hour, and its software is designed to integrate and automate with upstream and downstream processes. The unit can also process complex 3-dimensional structures, and it's compatible with most existing photomask structures. TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is housed in a low-vibration, environmental isolation chamber which improves accuracy and minimizes photo-mask distortion due to magnetism. Its built-in wafer handling machine reduces the risk of contamination and particle adhesion, and the wafer stage is equipped with quartz heating elements, allowing for precise and accurate heat control. TEL Trias is backed by a global network of service representatives and technical experts to provide on-site support and custom engineering solutions.
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