Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias #9311187 for sale

ID: 9311187
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2010
Metal CVD system, 12" Process: DIFF 2010 vintage.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is a state-of-the-art etching or ashing equipment designed for advanced microfabrication and nanofabrication applications. The system is capable of providing flexible etch chemistry options along with precise process control in a single platform. Its unique dual chamber design enables precise process control for a variety of wafer size substrates and etch chemistries. The upper chamber houses the etch process chemistries, while the lower chamber houses the chiller and gas thrusters to regulate processing parameters. The unit offers precise etching parameters control, ensuring that etch results are repeatable with repeatable uniformity in the substrate area. TEL Trias supports a variety of etch chemistries, such as dry ashing, wet near-overspill etching (NOS), wet chemical etching, as well as plasma etching. These etch chemistries allow different kinds of materials to be etched with their complete compatibility in a single machine. TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is also designed to be user-friendly, with an automated process recipe generator, and real-time process monitoring. Trias also offers advanced time saving technologies such as load-lock auto-loader, which reduces the wafer load time and eliminates contamination caused by manual transferring. In addition, the machine is also designed with a multi-row loading tool which allows multiple wafers to be loaded at a time, thus speeding up the etching process. This machine also has the ability to store up to 1000 recipes, making it easy to repeat batches. TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias also offers advanced process control capabilities which are essential for advanced etching/ashing applications. The asset has temperature, pressure, and gas control systems that allow for precise parameters tuning, increasing etch/ash uniformity and repeatability. The model also features ultra-precision movement of wafer stages and exact time control. TEL Trias also offers remote fault diagnostics capability, allowing technicians and engineers to rapidly identify faults and take corrective actions. This machine is also rated for clean room environment safety, making it suitable for cleanroom usage. Additionally, its multi-language interface and comprehensive user manual makes it easy to operate and maintain. TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is a highly advanced equipment designed to meet the needs of advanced microfabrication and nanofabrication applications. It offers flexible etching chemistries, precise process control and time savings features along with reliable fault diagnostics. With its user-friendly features and comprehensive control capabilities, this etching/ashing system is an ideal choice for advanced research and development operations.
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