Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias #9311193 for sale

ID: 9311193
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2013
Metal CVD system, 12" Process: Metal 2013 vintage.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is an etcher / asher that is used in microfabrication processes. Its purpose is the removal of thin films of materials from a surface. Etching is used to shape the surface of a material by removing atoms and molecules in a controlled manner. TEL Trias, from TEL, is a powerful etcher / asher offering superior performance and high etch rate capacity. It is a multi-purpose etcher/remover of wide range of materials, including metals, semiconductors, insulators, resist, and polymers. TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is composed of a vacuum chamber, a gas distribution equipment, a computer-controlled system, a plasma generator, and an electrode heater. The plasma generator creates a plasma field in the chamber, and is the source of energy for the etching process. The etching process is then controlled by adjusting the parameters such as gas flow, pressure, gas temperature, and electrode heating. The Electroformed Nickel (ENI) chamber of Trias enables processing of a wide range of materials with excellent repeatability and precise control. The process compartment is further strengthened by the Zerostop Ring Seals, which increase both the unit's stability and process time. TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Trias has a highly sophisticated computer-based control machine that provides the user with maximum control over the etching process. Its data control tool records, stores, and controls all parameters related to the process, and can also store up to 1GB process recipes which can be easily transferred via USB. TEL Trias can handle a wide range of substrates, such as glass, thin film, and optoelectronics with precise etching. With its low power consumption, high speed etching, and superior quality end products, TOKYO ELECTRON Trias is ideal for semiconductor, vision, and industrial applications. Trias maintains stringent standards for uniformity, chemistry, and surface morphology, enabling a cleaner etching process to produce the highest quality results. Its easy-to-use control asset, combined with a robust hardware platform, makes it one of the best etchers available, further reinforced by its consistent, high-quality process results.
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