Used EDWARDS TPU2 #9363579 for sale

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ID: 9363579
Thermal processing units Fuel type: CH4, O2.
EDWARDS TPU2 is an efficient and reliable facility equipment solution that provides an easy and cost-effective way to manage large-scale projects in the scientific, engineering, medical, and governmental sectors. EDWARDS TPU 2 offers a stand-alone controller that is capable of controlling up to 16 process circuits. Each process circuit can be individually monitored and controlled from a single controller, enabling versatile process control and process monitoring capabilities. TPU2 also features a range of advanced control and monitoring features that make it an ideal choice for critical applications. TPU 2 features a number of highly-integrated controllers such as a cellular modem, temperature controlled enclosure, Ethernet switch, Wifi, and programmable logic controller (PLC). These controllers are used to monitor and control the equipment, including temperature, pressure, current, and voltage settings. Furthermore, additional sensors can be added to EDWARDS TPU2 to increase its data acquisition and control capabilities. In addition, EDWARDS TPU 2 features specialized safety features which prevent over-temperature and over-pressure issues. TPU2 has an integrated display and keypad that can be configured with user-friendly menus for easy operation. TPU 2 also features very low energy consumption, resulting in reduced overall power costs. Additionally, EDWARDS TPU2 is equipped with easy-to-replace components, making repairs and maintenance simpler and faster. The combination of these features makes EDWARDS TPU 2 an excellent choice for any facility looking for efficient and reliable performance. TPU2 is designed to provide a cost-effective solution to many process applications as well as offering advanced features. With its user-friendly design, integrated controllers, specialized safety features, and low energy consumption, TPU 2 is a reliable and efficient facility equipment solution that can enhance any process-control project.
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