Used MVE CRYOGENICS TA-90 #293665822 for sale

ID: 293665822
Specimen storage tank Double walled cold storage tank.
MVE CRYOGENICS TA-90 is a cryocooler facility equipment equipment used in various research, industrial and medical applications. It is a full featured, reliable, and efficient cryocooler system with a cooling capacity of up to -90 Celsius. The main modules of the unit include a vacuum jacketed cryostat, a power supply, a mechanical subcooler, associated valves, a microprocessor controller, and a variety of other components, all designed to ensure reliable, easy macro- and micromanipulation of cryogenic temperatures. The vacuum jacketed cryostat is the primary component of TA-90 machine. It is designed to allow researchers and engineers to access and manipulate cryogenic temperatures with minimal time and effort. The cryostat is designed to be compact and lightweight while providing excellent thermal insulation. It is composed of a main body and a vacuum housing, which is designed to maintain a low-pressure environment to promote efficient thermal insulation. The cryostat utilizes a combination of high-grade insulation materials and a series of vacuum-jacketed components to maintain a consistent low-temperature performance. The power supply is also an integral part of MVE CRYOGENICS TA-90 tool. It is designed to utilize advanced power electronics and operates without the use of external voltage sources. The power supply is capable of providing a full range of cryogenic temperatures between -25 and -90 Celsius. It contains a series of positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistors, allowing for precise and accurate temperature control over the entire operating range. The mechanical subcooler adds another layer of temperature control to the asset. It uses a combination of evaporators, condensers, and a heat exchanger to raise and lower the temperature of incoming gas specimens. This allows the model to be used in a variety of cryogenic experiments, such as gas freezing and cryostat baseline studies. The microcontroller is the central component of TA-90 equipment. It is designed to manage the power, timing, and overall control functions of the cryogenic equipment. It contains a series of digital inputs and outputs, allowing users to program and control the cryogenics system. The microcontroller also can be used to monitor real-time temperatures and control multiple cryogenic devices at once. Lastly, MVE CRYOGENICS TA-90 unit includes a variety of valves and other components that facilitate flexibility and accuracy in the machine. In addition to standard valves, the tool also includes cryogenic heat valves and temperature sensors that allow users to accurately monitor temperature measurements during asset operation. This ensures the model remains reliable and efficient throughout its lifetime. Overall, TA-90 is an advanced and reliable cryocooling equipment designed to provide reliable, low-temperature research. Its various components help ensure accurate and efficient temperature control during cryogenic studies. The system is ideal for cryogenic experiments ranging from basic research to industrial uses. It provides an easy-to-use, efficient, and reliable cryogenic cooling unit in a package suitable for a variety of different applications.
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