Used LTX-CREDENCE ASL-3000 / ASL-3000RF #191015 for sale

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ID: 191015
Spare parts: Part No 657-0527-00 HPPM brick, High Power Port Module, Rev F Part No 650-4663-01 IF MUX Module, Rev A Part No 671-4534-09 MDI Part No 671-4534-09 Cal DUT - config 2, Rev 1 Part No 678-7076-02 Cal DUT - config 13, Rev A.
LTX-CREDENCE ASL-3000 and ASL-3000RF are automated test systems aimed at ensuring optimal quality levels in the production of end-products. The ASL-3000 is designed to provide high throughput testing, delivering accelerated and immediate decision with insight level detail. This equipment supports both industry-standard parallel tests and designs-for-test, allowing for a wide variety of devices to be tested. It is built around a Linux-powered test engine, with an integrated memory analysis circuit and an advanced throughput acceleration algorithm. This system allows for a maximum of 128 testers to be connected and operated, supplying up to 80 MHz clocks and up to 2.6 AMP current. The ASL-3000 also includes an automated error handling unit, providing diagnostic accuracy and reliability. The ASL-3000RF is designed with a comprehensive set of low-level RF test and measurement features, allowing for testing the full frequency range of devices. This machine includes an array of optional attenuators, couplers and programmable bias controls, enabling high-precision testing. It is equipped with high-frequency stimulation capabilities and multiplexer to configure paths such as full 3D calibration, RF ID, and antenna measurements. Furthermore, the ASL-3000RF supports debugging and evaluation tools, allowing engineers to customize test functions. Finally, both the ASL-3000 and ASL-3000RF are equipped with a range of automated processes such as final test, and dynamic margin testing, allowing for advanced production levels of automation. The systems also support LabView, and are compatible with industry-standard software environments such as C++, Python, and Vee. This allows for efficient software customization and integration with in-house test solutions. Overall, LTX-CREDENCE ASL-3000 and ASL-3000RF are highly advanced and automated test systems designed to provide quick and reliable results. Their comprehensive array of features, built with a range of industry-standard software options, makes them the ideal solution for manufacturers seeking to optimize their quality control operations.
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